Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Displaced Myth

The Woman and the Cheddar
    All John wanted to do was marry a woman who loved sandwiches as much as he did. But not just any sandwiches, they had to be sandwiches with Medium Cheddar cheese. Why John based his preference of woman to marry off the cheese she put on her sandwich is a mystery to everyone. Maybe it was just to save money on buying various cheeses. Who cares, this is a story about a man who loves woman for their taste in sandwich condiments, don’t ask yourself silly questions. He met a lot of women who enjoyed sandwiches as much as he did but they always seemed to like every other cheese but Medium Cheddar. Asiago, Blue, Parmesan, Romano, Gouda, Swiss, Brie, you name it; there was one woman, Angela, who came so close, sharp cheddar, John was devastated that day.
    One evening John went shopping for some groceries. A beautiful woman came up to him an asked if he knew where the cheese was. John thought to himself, this could be it. He politely said he would show her where it is. As they walked together John chatted with the woman, he got her name, Stephanie, and got to know each other a little, well as much as someone could while walking to get cheese. Stephanie took a liking to John and as a result he noticed that he forgot to see what cheese she picked. So John invited her over for lunch. Naturally John decided to make some sandwiches, he laid out all the condiments for Stephanie to choose.
    He abruptly got a call from his mother and had to leave the kitchen. His mother asked if he finally met a woman who liked sandwiches with medium cheddar in them. Quickly he told her he possibly had a keeper. By the time he got back Stephanie had already made her sandwich. They sat down to talk while enjoying the food. Just as John was going to strangely ask Stephanie what cheese she put on her sandwich his mother came bursting through his door. She went up to Stephanie grabbed her sandwich and saw there was cheddar in it. She screamed, “Finally the one woman who likes medium cheddar, only she can be the right woman for John.” Johns mother ran out of the house with the sandwich, politely said before she walked out “sorry for interrupting,” and went home to put the sandwich on her shelf where everyone could see John finally met his dream girl.
    Meanwhile back at Johns, Stephanie was a bit in shock at the crazy that jus happened and asked “what just happened?” John replied, “oh nothing she's crazy, but do you want to get out of here? I know a great deli that has some great cheddar cheese.” Stephanie said “you know what, why not, this may be crazy, but hey I like a guy who enjoys some good cheddar.” So John took Stephanie to the deli to enjoy Cheddar cheese.
There, that is a true story.

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