Monday, September 16, 2013

Creation Myth

The Inca Creation Story
"The Inca myths can be divided in two groups - the creation myths and the origin myths.

1. Briefly about creation myths

The world was created by Viracocha near Lake Titicaca. After the great deluge or the receding of chaotic floodwaters Viracocha descended to earth and created plants, animals and men to the empty land; he built the city of Tiahuanaco and appointed 4 world rulers of whom Manco Capak became the superior of the Ursa Major world, i.e. the north horizon

2.1. Myths about the Ayar brothers

Four pairs of brothers-sisters created by Viracocha to rule the world left the cave of Mountain Pacaritambo. The whole world was living in an uncivilised and ignorant manner. The newcomers began with organising the mankind and divided people into ten large communities. Leading the tribes the brothers set off in search of enough fertile land to sustain themselves. They carried Sunturpaucar, a long staff adorned with colourful feathers, a cage with a sun-bird who could give good advice and other sacred objects in front of them. Making shorter and longer stops they moved towards Cuzco. In the course of the long journey the group became smaller: the rivalling brothers confined one of their companions to a cave, two others wished to break away but were turned into stones. The only surviving brother Ayar Manco a.k.a. Manco Capak accompanied by his sister and wife Mama Ocllo and his brothers' wives, founded the city of World Pole in the name of Viracocha the Creator and Inti the Sun God, and settled there with his people.

2.2. A myth of Manco Capak and Mama Ocllo

A long time ago when the world was filled with savages, misery and poverty, a brother and a sister, a married couple Manco Capak and Mama Ocllo left Lake Titicaca. Inti, the sun god had sent them to refine the surrounding peoples, and gave them a golden stick for testing the land for cultivation and then settling in the suitable place. Having found such a place they had to found the state, teach the people how to live proper lives and advocate the worship of the sun god. The journey took a long time. Eventually, in the Cuzco Valley the golden stick disappeared into the ground, and they could start with their mission. Manco Capak taught his people the cultivation and irrigation of land and handicraft, Mama Ocllo taught women spinning, weaving and sewing. The tribe of Manco Capak became to be called by the name of Hanan Cuzco (High Cuzco) and the relatives of Mama Ocllo by the name of Hurin Cuzco (Lower Cuzco). The city and the state was founded in the name of Viracocha and Inti the sun god, also the Sun Temple was built in Cuzco

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bioshock Infinite - Mythology (modern day storytelling)

Modern day storytelling of myths has changed through out the years obviously. New stories are told through the medium of Video games. Video games themselves are myth since its a story you can play out electronically. One game in particular that tells a  hell of a Myth, using real world influences of 1912 is Bioshock Infinite. Beautifully done game, amazing narrative, and creates a stunning world for the player to experience. The two videos below are some advertisements used to promte the game, using old retro style telling ti talk about the myth of Bioshock as if it were a real thing.


In 1912, Booker DeWitt is taken by Robert and Rosalind Lutece to an island lighthouse off the coast of Maine. Told to "bring us the girl and wipe away the debt", Booker enters a rocket silo which transports him to Columbia.
Booker is soon pursued by the city authority when he is found bearing a scar of the letters "AD", matching the description of the foretold "False Shepherd" who will corrupt Elizabeth and overthrow Columbia.[17][36] Freeing Elizabeth from her tower, Booker narrowly evades her captor, the "Songbird". Reaching an airship, Booker promises to take Elizabeth to Paris; when she realizes they are going to New York City to wipe Booker's debt, Elizabeth knocks him out. Booker awakes to find the airship under the control of Daisy Fitzroy and the Vox Populi, who offer to return the ship if Booker recovers a weapon shipment.
Finding Elizabeth, Booker continues with her. Assisting with her ability to open Tears, Elizabeth grows disturbed by the consequential damage on Booker and Columbia by her altering reality: one Tear leads them to a world where Booker is a Vox Populi martyr, causing warfare between the Vox Populi and Columbia's Founders. Believing a new, living Booker undermines the martyr Booker's sacrifice, Fitzroy turns her forces against Booker. Elizabeth kills Fitzroy to prevent her from executing a Founder boy.
As they attempt to leave by airship, Songbird attacks the duo and they crash back to Columbia. Continuing onwards, they unravel a conspiracy behind the city's founding: Zachary Hale Comstock had the Lutece twins construct a "Siphon" device to inhibit Elizabeth's powers; Elizabeth is Comstock's adopted daughter, whom he plans to groom into taking over after his death; and Comstock plotted to kill his wife and the Luteces to hide the truth. After Elizabeth is captured by Songbird, Booker pursues but is brought into the future by an elderly Elizabeth; she explains that, since Booker did not stop Songbird, she suffered decades of torture and brainwashing, inheriting Comstock's cause and waging war on the world. Explaining that Songbird always prevented his previous rescue attempts, Elizabeth begs Booker to stop Songbird with his song and returns him to his present.[37]
Booker reaches present Elizabeth, and the pair pursue Comstock to his airship. Comstock demands that Booker explain Elizabeth's past to her; an enraged Booker drowns Comstock. Booker denies knowledge about Elizabeth's finger, but she asserts that he has simply forgotten. Controlling Songbird, the pair fend off a Vox Populi attack, before ordering Songbird to destroy the Siphon. As Songbird turns on Booker again, Elizabeth's powers fully awaken, allowing her to open a Tear and transport them to the underwater city Rapture.[note 1] Appearing inside, Booker and Elizabeth see Songbird crushed outside by the water pressure.[38]
Elizabeth takes Booker to the surface lighthouse, explaining there are countless alternate lighthouses and versions of Booker and Elizabeth; they are within one of infinite possible realities dependent on their choices.[39] She shows that on October 8, 1893, Robert Lutece approached Booker on behalf of Comstock, requesting that he "give us the girl and wipe away the debt," referring to Booker's infant daughter, Anna DeWitt – Booker's "AD" branding. Booker reluctantly agreed, but soon gave chase; arriving as Comstock barely escaped through a Tear, its closing severed Anna's finger. Comstock then raised Anna as his own daughter, Elizabeth, and due to her severed finger, her existing over two realities simultaneously allows her to create Tears and move between them.[40] Robert Lutece, angry at Comstock's actions, convinced Rosalind to help him bring Booker to the reality where Columbia exists to rescue Elizabeth.[35][40]
Elizabeth explains that Comstock will always remain alive in alternate universes, as the Luteces have enlisted different universe Bookers numerous times to try to end the cycle.[37] As stopping Comstock requires intervening in his birth, Elizabeth takes Booker back in time to a baptism he attended in hopes to atone for the sins he committed at Wounded Knee; she explains that, while Booker changed his mind, some alternative Bookers accepted the baptism and were reborn as "Zachary Comstock."[37] Comstock, later aware of his connection to Booker and sterile from overusing the Lutece Tear machine, abducted Anna to provide a biological heir for Columbia. Booker, then joined by other universe Elizabeths at the baptism, allows them to drown him, preventing his baptismal choice and thus preventing Comstock's existence. One by one, the Elizabeths begin to disappear, the screen cutting to black on the last.[40]
In a post-credits scene, a Booker[note 2] awakens in his apartment on October 8, 1893. He calls out for Anna and opens the door to her room before the screen cuts to black.[40]

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

First Memory

Forgot to write this so I will now. First thing I can remember is being about 5 or 6, hell I honestly don't even remember my age but it was me, at the zoo with my parents. The Bronx Zoo to be exact. The only animal I remember seeing was a lion. My dad had me on his shoulders and I saw the huge lion standing up. Then later I asked for a toy, it was this souvenir toy machine, you put in a dollar or something and it would make a plastic mold of any animal you choose on the machine. I choose a lion. That's the earliest memory in my head

Monday, September 2, 2013

Dark Fantasy - Kanye West. Rap song about myth/fantasy-life

You might think you’ve peeped the scene
You haven’t, the real one’s far too mean
The watered down one, the one you know
Was made up centuries ago
They made it sound all wack and corny
Yes it’s awful, blasted boring
Twisted fictions, sick addictions
Well gather ‘round children, zip it, listen:

Can we get much higher? So high Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh

I fantasized 'bout this back in Chicago Mercy, mercy me, that Murcielago That's me, the first year that I blow How you say broke in Spanish? Me no hablo Me drown sorrow in that Diablo Me found bravery in my bravado DJ's need to listen to the models "You ain't got no fuckin' Yeezy in your Serato?" Stupid, but what the hell do I know? I'm just a Chi-town nigga with a Nas flow And my chick in that new Phoebe Philo So much head, I woke up in Sleepy Hollow

Look like a fat booty Celine Dion Sex is on fire, I'm the King of Leon-a Lewis
Beyond the truest, hey, teacher, teacher
Tell me how do you respond to students? And refresh the page and restart the memory? Respark the soul and rebuild the energy? We stopped the ignorance, we killed the enemies Sorry for the night demons still visit me The plan was to drink until the pain over
But what's worse, the pain or the hangover?
Fresh air, rollin' down the window Too many Urkels on your team, that's why your wins low Don't make me pull the toys out, huh Don't make me pull the toys And fire up the engines, huh
And then they make noise

At the mall, there was a seance
Just kids, no parents
Then the sky filled with herons
(I saw the devil) in a Chrysler LeBaron
And the hell, it wouldn't spare us
And the fires did declare us
But after that, took pills, kissed an heiress
And woke up back in Paris